Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Reasons to play Deathwatch (in the form of pictures)

The aesthetic is easy to learn.

Too much is never enough when it comes time to flay the enemy.

Mastodon skulls are just asking to be used as codpieces, I mean come on.


And above all, space marines are classy.


  1. If we are going to do a DW one-shot during the Invasion, we actually probably should decide soon since we'd all need to read the rulebook (particularly the GM >_>)

  2. We should do DW.

    I can't possibly justify a Mastodon-skull codpiece in Dark Heresy!

  3. This means we HAVE TO justify a mastodon skull codpiece in Dark Heresy.

    It would so go with Charyl's aesthetic.

  4. I don't think you're allowed to equip a codpiece that's in a size category larger than yourself.

    Also, is it bad that when you decided Charyl needed a codpiece, my mind went to Metalocalypse?

  5. He (Charyl) needs a codpiece because he's a man, right?
